I finished Thadeus' bumper pads in time to take them with me on my visit to the Big City a few weeks ago. They'll fit better once the mattress is lowered I think. Over all I was pretty pleased with my first attempt at bumper pads. :o)

Yesterday I whipped these up at nap time. My cousin Charlene, her husband, and their two children were coming through town for a quick visit. I'd never met their youngest, who's one and a half, and I kinda missed the boat on a baby gift for her when she was born.
So using some seersucker fabric I got for a dollar or two at a garage sale I made a sundress and a pair of shorts. I dressed up a shirt to go with the set and Voila! a couple lovely summer outfits.
I've had those buttons for years and finally found the perfect use for them!

Then I decided to make something for their oldest. I had this extra shirt left over from the daycare Christmas gifts so I made him a tie shirt. Nice and simple. :o) Too bad the picture is so bad. The tie is made out of a dark green plaid.

To top it all off I threw a couple books in the bag to keep them busy on the long drive back home. I love being able to throw together a gift like that from things I have around the house. I didn't have to go out and buy a single thing - not even the books because I have a whole rubbermaid container of books to give away as gifts. :o)