Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Update on the sewing or lack thereof

Okay so since I started knitting my sewing/quilting time hasn't been happening.

I have finished a couple projects in the last couple weeks though.

A friend gave me a bunch of fabric that her boss was giving away. It's mostly garment fabric but there was a large piece of quilted material. So I used that to make a carrying bag for my cutting board and rulers to take to quilting club nights. It's not the prettiest thing but it'll do the job!

There was some left so I made a pillow for the cats to lay on.
PJ's giving me a dirty look for disturbing her while she's on her new favorite sleeping spot. lol

To stuff it I used all the bits and scraps that were too small to do anything else with. Most of it fit in the pillow.

And that's all folks! Nothing too exciting. I really need to get Thadeus' bumper pads done. I hope I find my sewing mojo soon!

1 comment:

Pat said...

What a good idea to use the scraps that way...and I love the idea of a quilted bag large enough for a cutting mat!!!