I'm quite proud of my efforts and to be honest it's going to be hard to give this away! lol
There's a little pocket inside.

To sweeten the deal I made a couple of these as well. (Table runner not included)
They're made to hang on the oven door. Perfect for fall decorating!
The winner gets their choice of one towel and then I'll have a second draw to give the other away as the 2nd place prize.
Sooo, in order to be entered in this fantastic draw you need to leave a comment on this post telling me what your favorite SMELL of fall is. Anyone can leave a comment but if you don't have a blog be sure to leave your e-mail address in your comment so I can contact you if you win! The draw will be done on Oct 15th to find out who the lucky winners are. :o)
Don't forget to check out all the other blogs for more great draws. Just click on the scarecrow at the right of my blog for a list of all the other blogs with draws you can enter. Good luck everyone!
Beautiful bag Corinna...I would love to own it. Please count me in!
Definitely love the smell of pumpkin pie cooking. Mom makes the best. Cute bag....please add my name to your drawing.
Hmmm, that's a tough question because there are lots of things in fall that smell really good but I will have to say that the smell of pumpkin cooking combined with some caramel is like sweet music to my nose. :-) What a lovely bag you are offering! and nice towels, too!! Please put my name in your drawing and thanks for stopping by my blog to register for my giveaway!
What a beautiful bag! Please add my name to your drawing! My favorite smell of the season would have to be hot spiced apple cider! There's just nothing else that says fall to me like that does! Thanks so much! :0)
What a gorgeous bag!! Please enter my name in your drawing:-) My favourite smell for this time of year would have to be apple cinnamon....I have a candle with that scent burning right now!
Love your bag! I love the smell of fresh apples, pumpkin pie, and cinnamon.
What a lovely bag, please add my name to the drawing. I have to agree that the apple cinnamon smell is the best. I just made LOTS of applesauce to freeze so it was the real thing at our house.
Hi Corinna! I thought I would visit your blog for some inspiration. I've wanted to quilt for awhile but have never got around to it.
Your projects are beautiful!
Oh! Pick me! Pick me! I love giveaways and yours is wonderful!
Gorgeous bag!! Love the smell of pummkin pie, or candy apples!
Hi! what a beautiful bag!!! I love the smell of apple pie and cinnamon, yummy!!!
Thanks for this giveaway. I´m having one too, I´d love to see your name there!
I love the smell of pumpkin pies and apples. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Oh pumpkin pie spice...lovely. Thanks for the drawing!
I love the smell of hot apple cider.
Thank you for entering me in your giveaway!
maumauisginger at gmail dot com
Smell....applesauce being cooked off to be put in jars. Awesome bag, LOVE IT! Dee - jessibir@hickorytech.net
I love the smell of burning leaves (at least I use to you aren't allowed to burn in our area any more. Please enter me in your giveaway.
joycee2561 at yahoo dot com
Oooh, the bag is a real beauty!
Please put my name in the draw! Thank your!
My favourite smell in fall is pumpkin soup!
My favorite smell would have to be hot spiced cider!! It just makes my house smell sooooooo good! Now I want to go make some!!
Wood smoke is my favorite fall smell!
ignoramoose (at) gmail (dot) com
burning leaves and the bbq smells of tailgating blowing in the wind- you know that smell sure brings people together :)
My favorite smell? It could be pumpkin pies baking, or cinnamon spice candles burning, or the fall leaves as you rake them. But probably it's the sweaty little bodies of children as they run up to my door on Halloween night in their cute little costumes and with their sweet smiles. blessings, marlene
Well if that isn't the prettiest bag I've seen today! How nice! A true labor of love! I would take good care of it for you, I promise! Anyway, my favorite smell of fall would have to be apples cooking on the stove. Mmmm mmm!
My favorite smell of fall is a big roaring fire and roasting hotdogs.
Karen in IN
Very cute bag you are giving away. I love the smell of early fall mornings, very crisp and damp smelling.
I love the smell of cinnamon pumpkin bread baking!! YOur bag is gorgeous!
What a beautiful bag ... I use my late mother-in-laws button collection too, whenever I can :) The oven towels are really cute too - what a great giveaway - I'd love to be entered, thank you!
Sandra/Canada :)
Oh yes - favorite fall smell = pumpkin pie, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!
YOur bag is beautiful! Love the fall fabric! The button is beautiful! Love the oven towels!
My favorite smell of Fall is the smell of homemade applesauce!!
Oh, this is SO easy! Pumpkin pie!
I have my great grandma's button jar. Some of the buttons are quite cool!
Hello Corinna, love to be in the draw for your giveaway.Beautiful bag you have made.Apple and cinnamon pudding baking would be my favourite smell. Regards Lyn
Your bag is lovely! what a nice giveaway. My favorite smell is apple cinnamon! :o) When ever i see apple cinn. candles I have to buy one! :o)
Well, my absolute most favorite smell of fall would be that unknown crisp smell in the air. I do not even know if is really a smell, but I always think when I first encounter it, that I love the smell of Autumn. After that is pumpking pies, no doubt! I love your bag! I have a think for leaves.
I love all the harvest scented stuff out this time of year, apple pie, pumpkin bread, anything of that sort :) I LOVE this giveaway wooho pick me ;) xoxo melzie
I love the smell of any fall food...pumpkin, apple, all those spices....
What a gorgeous prize!!!!!
The smell of the leaves when you walk outside-that yummy crunchy leafy smell.
What a great Giveaway.
I love the smell of marigolds. I have birthday in October and when I was a child I always got a huge bunch of these flowers from a friend.
My favorite smell comes from sitting outside on a cool fall evening and smelling the wood fires the neighbors start! And your bag is beautiful!
hi, i love the beautiful bag, you did a great job! Please add my name to your drawing. My favorite smell is definetely pumpkin pie and pumpkin candles burning in my kitchen.
Have a great day!
I lovethe smell of hot apple cider. Lovely bag.
The smell of thanksgiving dinner cooking is my favorite fall smell..Please enter me for your purse its really cute:)
The bag is beautiful! My favorite smell of the season would be pumpkin spice. Please add me to your drawing.
Favorite smell of Fall Thanksgiving dinner cooking....
I would love to own the bag you made
What a beautiful bag! My favorite smell is that of Thanksgiving dinner roasting in the oven. Thanks for entering me into your giveaway!
My favorite smell of fall is Fresh crisp apples from a farmstand.
Love your prizes, you are right to be proud of your efforts.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
My favorite smell of fall? I like the smell of the air after a rain fall. Kind of hard to define, but I know it when I smell it.
I love the bag! and I love the smell of apple cider. So many memories from that smell.
WOW! The bag is beautiful! Are you sure you want to give this away??!!
My favorite smell is applesauce cooking to be canned! Yummy
Thank you for this chance to win!
Please enter me in your give-away! My favorite smell of autum is probably -- freshly baked apple pie! My mouth is watering right now, just thinking about it!
I love the bag. Is it from a pattern or did you create it yourself? My favorite smell of Fall used to be burning leaves. Now it is pumpkin pie and/or cinnamon.
I love the smell of the leaves!
Love the bag - you did a great job!
kimmmtt at yahoo dot com
Goregous bag! please count me in on your draw. My favortie smells of the season are.....pumpkin spice.....candycorn....applepie.mmmmmmm and coffee. :)
My favorite smell of fall is pumpkin pie cooking in the oven.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
lovely bag...my fav smell (and I could smell this year round) pumpkin pies and/or pumpkin candles!
I would have to say wood smoke from a bon fire, but hot apple pie is a close second! Much love, Raquel XO
This is an easy one. My favorite smell is fresh baked apple pie!!
I love the smell of apple dumplings just fresh from the oven. Thanks for including me in this drawing!
Ok, that bag is just beautiful. I love the smell of cinnamon. On toast, pumpkin pie, apple pie, candles, anything and everything. Thanks for the chance at owning that lovely tote.
My favorite fall smell is apples & cinnamon, like hot apple cider in the crock pot. I love the quilts you are making for your day care children. And I really LOVE the purse--it's perfect --I hope to win it. Do you have instructions on how to make the dish towels? Angie
I love the bag. You did a great job. Favorite smell...I would have to say cinnamon because it makes me think of baking or candles which then leads to all sorts of other smells!
What a beautiful bag. It would be perfect for fall.
My favorite smell would have to be the smell of burning leaves. It is just so "autumn."
my favorite smell of fall is simply being able to smell! All summer I suffer awful hayfever and can't smell a thing... then the fall comes and I relish the smells of outdoors, the ripe basil in the garden, the garlic hanging to dry, the soil being turned over in the garden....
How pretty, I think my favorite smell is pumpkin bread, yum!
I love the smell of hot, spiced, apple cider!
urchiken at gmail dot com
Wonderful bag and so special with your GM button. Please throw my name into the pot. Apple cider brewing is a sweet smell.
I joined the giveaway tonight.
Oh! That's an easy answer lol. My favorite smell of fall is the first fire built in the wood heater. I'd love to be in your drawing...the bag is really pretty!
Beautiful work! My favorite smell of Fall is the burning leaves...also the smell from carving pumpkins...and baking the pumpkin seeds. And the cider and the cinnamon donuts...okay...I must stop now.
Have A Happy Day!
Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs
I could easily say hot apple cider and pumpkin pies baking are my favorite smells...but the outside smells are what I like best. The cool air and campfires burning and just the smell of the fall outside. I'd love to be entered to win.
Wonderful giveaways! My favorite smell of fall is cinnamon applesauce cooking on the stovetop! It was the smell of fall from the time I was a child when my Grandfather used to be in charge of making the applesauce!
Love that handbag and towels....
Smell of fall I like? hummm....
the air just has a coo crisp smell I can't explain.
Wow great bag!!
I love the smells of baking bread on a cold chrip day
Thank you
What a wonderful bag! Please enter me to win! Thanks, brdstitcher at gmail dot com
Favorite smell? All I can think of is food:) It has to be a 3 way tie...apple, cinnamon, and pumpkin. Yum!
I'm so thankful fot the "fall into fall" so that I could find your blog ;) ......ough favorite smell? only one?... call me crzy, but I really like the smell when people burn their leaves :)
visit me to enter my give-away too ;) Happy Weekend & Love from Texas! ~bonnie
That is a lovely bag. I am hard put to say one thing that is my favorite. Crisp mornings, pumpkin pies baking, slow cooking apple butter. These are just a few! Please add my name.
Thanks so much for playing and coming up with such a great giveaway. I love the small of a bag full of fresh picked apples and the smell of woodstove smoke. Of course, if you live in a nice warm area, you wouldn't know that smell.
what a wonderful bag and I can see why you don't want to give it away.
As I live in CA we don't have rain for 5-6 months and usually have rain in Oct and I love the smell of the first rain. It smells so fresh and clean.
One of the best smells is my own apple pie baking in the oven; it's one of the few things I can really do well - always a lot of cinnamon and nutmeg.
Love your blog! My favourite smells are apples with cinnamon or plums cooking in a crumble. We make crumbles rather than pies with fruit here in the UK.
My favorite fall scent is that of mulled apple cider. Yum!
Cinnamon. With apples, pumpkin, or by itself.
I love that bag!
My favourite smell of fall is wood smoke. I get tired of it by spring, but in the fall it just seems cozy.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
Oh that is such a beautiful bag. My favourite smell - oh how to narrow it down. I love the smell of gingerbread baking, of bonfires with the cordite from fireworks (Living in England where we have a bonfire and fireworks on November the 5th), hot potatoes and sausages and steaming soup.
What a grand give-away. I love the smell of soups and stews simmering...m...
APPLE CIDER simmering on the stove! Yummy! Thank for the opportunity of putting my name in the drawing.
Beautiful bag, Corinna. And you did a great job on the tutorial. Hummm, think I'm going to have to make me some. My favorite smell is kind of strange - fall rain has a scent all its own. I miss it because fall lasts 5 minutes here in So. CA.
Hi Corinna -
What a gorgeous bag! I can see why you're having a hard time giving away!
My favorite autumn smell has to be apple crisp baking in the oven. The smell of cinnamon and apples and brown sugar... what's not to love? :-)
Happy October!
My favorite smell in fall is pies baking and the clean smell of rain :)
Cute bag, Corinna! And thanks for the tutorial!
Hi Corinna ~ Thanks for visiting my blog. Aren't the D9P quilts fun? I have several more cut and ready to sew up.
I love the bag you made. Also, love the hanging towels! Please enter me in your drawing.
My favorite scents of autumn are apples, apple cider, applesauce, pumpkin in many forms....bars, cakes,cookies, pies and oh the wonderful scents from the pumpkin spice bundt cake I made the other day! Yum!
What a beautiful bag! You are so generous with your giveaway. Please enter my name in your drawing. My favorite smell for this time of year would have to be apple cinnamon....
I actually really enjoy the smell of burning leaves.
I love bags and this is so beautiful, I would love to win it!!
My favorite smell at fall is the kind of spiced smell in the woods from the fallen leaves at the ground. Marit from Norway
Hi! My favorite smell is hot apple cider in a mug under my nose! MMMmmm good!
Please enter me in your drawing. I would love to carry that bag around! Thanks for the chance.
Gorgeous bag!
I love the smell of pie baking in the oven.
I love the smell of nutmeg...wherever it is! Especially pies, of course. Thank you for your generosity.
I love the beautiful bag you've created. I don't think I could let it go. Love the smell of apple pie which is what I'll be making for my family this weekend, which is Thanksgiving here in Canada.
My favorite smell of fall.... the crisp air and cinnamon. Those are my favorite fall smells.
Jen :)
my favourite smell is the crisp morning air and the musty smell as I go kicking through the leaves with my giggling daughters !
cherylpasquier2002 at yahoo dot fr
Yes, you definitly have talent. What a nice bag. Of course I want it, but I think YOU should keep it!!!!!! I'd be proud to own it though.
My favorite smell of fall is tomato salsa that I have been making. apple pies, dry leaves, etc. etc.
Connie lorconw@mts.net
oh my gosh, love your bag. And the apple towel would go great in my kitchen. I would have to say the smell when we make apple cider. And the smell when my Mom makes pumpkin cookies.
Favorite smell is squash pie!
I love the smell of a fire. That is my favorite smell of fall. I just love this bag and especially that button. I could not imagine giving this away. I promise if I win, this would be treasured.
I love the smell of pumpkin pie when its in the oven or sweet potatoes cooking. Also like the smell of fall outside when the weather gets a bit colder and it smells crisp.
What an adorable bag! My favorite Fall smell is the smell of apple butter while visiting Apple Hill.
Thank you for adding my name!
my favorite fall smell is apple-we usually go to the apple farm and get some fresh picked-yum!
thanx for the chance at such a great prize!
What a very pretty bag for a fun drawing. My favorite smell is pumpkin pie baking.
Rita E in AZ
requilt (at) yahoo (dot) com
WOW this is just an amazing bag. I would love to be the lucky person to win this handmade bag.
I love to smell cinnamon. Thanks for a chance.
What a gorgeous purse and I love the little towels. I would love to know how to make those! My favorite smell of fall is cinnamon.
What a lovely, generous give-away! Please enter me in your drawing. And, this may sound strange, but my favorite smell of fall is harvest corn. My dad farms and I still make a point of heading back every fall when he starts into the corn fields. There is such an earthy, clean smell in the air (along with corn husks and falling leaves). I'm home again. :)
My favorite smell of fall is burning leaves, although we can't burn them here.
Favorite smell?! Hmmmmm.....camp fires!
What a beautiful prize!
My favorite fall smell is a tie between woodsmoke and pumpkin pie...
Please sign me up for your give a way. Thanks
Oh that's easy for me. It's the smell of leaves burning. I love that smell. Thanks for including me in your drawing.
Wow! Such a wonderful prize package!! My favorite smell for Fall is....just the general smell of fall baking!!! It just reminds me of my moms house!
Great prizes. I would say my favorite is hot apple cider.
Every year I make Salsa..a lot of salsa! and I love the smell of it cooking, the spices and the hot, hot peppers! um-m-m
I love your bag .My favourite smell is a new born baby.
Hugs Mary.
I love the smell of hot apple cider! The bag is beautiful.
My favorite fall scent is the leaves.
Oh I love homemake applesauce cooking on the stove or apple pie baking in the oven. Wonderful giveaway - hope I am lucky.
Love the bag, Corrina! Favorite smell would have to be cranberry/orange yeast bread baking.
I love the smell of apples cooking. It can be pies, applesauce, apple crisp, baked apples, etc. Thanks for entering me. What a great bag!
My favorite smell is definetly pumpkin pie candles burning!!
Apple pie baking is a GREAT fall smell!!! Of course, roasting turkey is also terrific!!! Love the bag you made for the giveaway and would be proud to have it for my own.
Thanks for reminding me about the fall give away!
And the best smells are from the kitchen with baked apple pies or Pumpkin Pie just coming out of the oven.
my first thought was the burning of leaves you've raked up-but you can't do that any more-so we make hot spiced apple cider that smells up the house beautifully
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Love your bag. My favorite is cinnamon and apple pie.
Fall smells immediately make me think of gingerbread.
I love the smell of the last time the grass is mowed. I love the bag you made.
I have 2 apple trees in my yard and love the smell of the ripe apples! Have you ever noticed that tha apples in the grocery have no scent.
Elaine R
I love the smell of caramel apples.
I love the smell of turkey roasting in the oven. I got to smell that all day today. Nice!
Beautiful bag! My favourite smell of the season is cinnamon
I LOVE the smell of a fresh apple pie cooking in the oven!
micaela6955 at msn dot com
cinnamon has to be the best smell of fall....
My favourite smell of fall is anything apple baking in the oven. What a great bag - count me in!
My favorite smell would have to be
homemade bread baking, or a big pot of chili cooking on the stove! Thanks for the chance to win! I just adore that bag!
My favorite smell would have to be the smell of cinnamon. I love it in any baking that I do. Its a wonderful smell.
What a great bag Corinna! Great giveaway gifts! 8-)
My favorite smell of fall...?...is, the smell of the change in the air, and a bonfire with a cup of hot chocolate! 8-)
Good luck everyone!
I think my favorite smell in fall is the aroma of hot spiced cider! We have cider made from the apples on our trees and there is nothing in the world like it!
The bag you made is LOVELY! What a generous giveaway! I would LOVE to win it!
Thanks and piece - Elaine
eem2848 at sbcglobal.net
My favorite fall smell is burning leaves! Nothing makes me feel like fall more than that smell. The bag is gorgeous - thanks for the great giveaway!
My favorite fall smell is cinnamon. You know how you walk into stores and they have those cinnamon sticks or pinecones out. Love it.
What a pretty bag and the towels are so cute. My favorite smell of Fall is Carmel apples. I love the smell of the carmel cooking.
Cleary K.
I love the smell of apple and cinnamon when I`m making apple cake or apple pie. Btw your bag is lovely, I would love to be the new owner of it.
what a beautiful bag -- it's amazing that you'd be willing to part with it...here's hoping i win! My favorite fall smell is fresh baked apple pie...yummm!! (lyannab at gmail dot com)
Happy fall!
ooohhhh I love the bag, please count me in! My favorite smell in the fall is burning leaves....instantly takes me back to childhood.
I'm a bag junkie, that one is lovely!
My favorite smells of fall are burning leaves (we don't smell it often anymore, it's banned in most towns here) and anything baked with pumpkin. Yum!
My favorite smell is cinnamon!
Beautiful bag! I love the smell of the crisp air in the mornings and wood smoke.
My favorite smell of fall is the crisp fresh air. I love that bag, cute button. Thanks
We live on the edge of a field so when I go out in morning it is that crispness in the air that makes me feel like fall. Then apple crisp, or pie or just the fresh apple smell. We have been chowing down on honey crisp, they are so good. Love your bag. One of the last quilts my aunt did have acorns and leaves all over it. Really love the look. Thank you for doing this.
I have two favorite smells. One is pumpkin seeds baking and two is the fresh cold air in the morning! It's just so fresh!!
My favorite fall scent is baked apple pie. Thanks for offering the giveaway.
My favorite smell of fall is the spruce trees iin the crisp fall air. Smells like Xmas tree. ~Susan
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